Monday, June 3, 2013

This is really a wonder.

Hi netizens! Since I can't really spot who is the target audience for my blog. I'm Joyce studying design in Singapore and this is my life. Here, I am gona update on what I've been up to, the usual of what you would expect in a blog update. Let's say the only difference you'll spot is my typing style, or maybe the content? Ahh, just carry on and you'll see it for yourself.

First I'll go on with school. I've got to stop screwing up year 2. Been doing plenty of last minute works which has resulted in more stress and crappy content. All that ever blabber out of my mouth was "erm" So hesitant and uncertain. Is that the right attitude? I've got to fix things and make everything right. Well, screw ups are meant to happen so better comings may walk through your door.

Secondly, friends. This three words will summarize it all. "Welcome to Polytechnic". Well, if you're a Singaporean living in this fast paced competitive life, you would have probably know what I meant. It's like "grow up babies, stop complaining, stop whining, and grow up. Nobody is gona spoon feed or clean up your shit. You're all ALONE" trust the right diapers – friends. Get it right or you're fucked in lies. This simply concludes how polytechnic can change your personality. Well, people say it's preparation to the adult working force, so should I be expecting more shits when I graduate? This depends whether I'm the lucky ones. Hope so.

And lastly, relationship. Well, this is something you don't see in a while. I've got something to announce to you readers out there. I've got a boyfriend! We've been going steady for 2 months, but it really felt like 6 months or so. The way we connect with each other really make me in loss of words. Never knew that there was someone so alike, so similar to me and has been there waiting for me. You'll never know what life has in stall! If all goes well, he could be the one to see my first strand of grey white! Love you. I'll never know if you could ever find my blog. All credits of this post goes to him for our romantic mini diary which is said to be the power la la la. Well, it's our secret and suppose to be my surprise. That triggered the thought of blogging, so thank my darling!

hehe! And guess what? This chunk will appear in all of my blog! It's like a feature? LOL LOL. This is how outstanding this life can get. Out shine with love. Thank you.